The modern world is an every changing place. In the last few decades, the price of traditional energy sources have drastically risen and can only continue to do so as their availability decreases. As a direct result of the environmental and monetary effects, many have sought to find more cost efficient, renewable resources to maintain every day living. The concept of an unlimited energy source would almost seem to be a thing of myth, except they exist. One such available resource is solar energy. Converted into usable electricity through solar panels, solar energy is an environmentally friendly fuel that is becoming increasingly more popular.

In addition to helping the environment by cutting a chunk out of carbon emissions (solar energy has absolutely no carbon footprint) as well as creating no other emission type, using solar panels to acquire power allows a level of self-sufficiency that other energy sources simply do not. Once the panels themselves are installed, they require little to maintain working order, especially in comparison to other available technologies. While a typical manufacturer warranty guarantees a panel for twenty-five years, solar panels often have life expectancies of approximately fifty years, thereby giving an owner decades of free, clean energy. With the cost of purchase and installation getting cheaper all the time, this is a wise long-term investment.

Further cost saving can be achieved through tax breaks and reduced monthly energy bills. While levels and variety of these tax breaks are dependent upon location, as well as what panels/system is used, many people who use solar panels are eligible. It is entirely possible to even receive a one-time payback of up to fifty percent of the money spent on materials and installation through solar rebates. In addition, there are grants and loans available to help people who wish to convert to solar energy but may not have the initial financial ability to do so. Once set up to utilize solar energy efficiently, monthly energy bills are seriously reduced. This savings can be even more greatly increased by making small changes to daily living. For instance, if electrical consumption is more predominantly done during the hours in which the panels are actively creating energy, it can save both money and increase energy efficiency. Even more, if energy efficient appliances are used and all appliances, when not in use, are turned off (so that they are not drawing power at all) a lot less energy is needed at any given time. Also, installing blinds on West and East facing windows can cut down on the air conditioning requirements during the hotter months, and thus contribute to extreme savings. It is not unheard of to reduce a bill by fifty percent with a good system and it is also possible, depending once again on location and how a given utility is run, that should a system of solar panels produce more energy than is needed at a residence, the excess energy may be able to be sold to the utility and the money would be credited to the next bill.

Installing solar panels can also be a great investment when looking at the value of a house or business. As times continue to change, the conversion to this energy source can be an attractive, attention drawing detail for interested real-estate buyers. Homes, particularly, can increase in desirability: especially to those who strive to live green. With already installed solar panels, prospective buyers know they are able to cut down on harmful greenhouse gasses, thereby helping with global warming, as well as save themselves money without having to actually install the panels themselves. For those who want to support the local economy, solar panels offer that attractive quality as well. Many common fuel sources used today actually provide a sizable portion of jobs to other countries, but solar panels are produced and installed by people living near or in any given community.

The positive qualities of owning and maintaining solar panels far outweigh the drawbacks such systems can have. Low cost, low maintenance, low carbon production, government tax breaks and grants, and increasing value of properties are all wonderful benefits of using them. A fuel source that is free, clean, with absolutely no environmental hazards and completely unlimited: with all of this holding true, why wouldn’t anyone want to install solar panels?

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